It's been one heck of a day so I really appreciated Pals Paper Arts simple sketch. We had a new furnace installed so I took the day off and planned to get a few things done around the house. I had three things on my list and only accomplished one of them. I did manage to work on my blog - you may notice that I've re-organized the challenges that I SPI, which are now by day as it will be easier to find something each day. If you're a cardmaker and inclined, give a challenge a try, it's a lot of fun!
I like the freshness of this simple card. It is just so very cheerful. I'm giving this card to my neighbors. They are wonderful folks. The didn't utter one single peep, when I parked my car in their driveway today to make room for the furnace guys. I didn't ask permission, as they were at work, and I didn't manage to move my car until dinner time, long after they got home. We are very, very fortunate to have such great people living beside us and I am so grateful.
I hope you enjoy this card and come back to SPI again soon.
I love the colors that you selected for your card! It is indeed fresh and cheery! Thanks for playing @ PPA!